

The Florist Trade Magazine is the most powerful route to reaching florists you can find.

Working with the industry for nearly 75 years not only do we have the highest reach in the UK (combined followers are nudging 42k*) but our readers trust us and know that what we publish is worth reading about.

That makes you message even more powerful and ensures your marketing budget reaches the right people at the right time.

We purposely keep it simple and offer just three options that work.

1:  News stories

400 words of copy, three pictures, direct links and inclusion in both our newsletter and via our social media channels.

Cost:  £500 – 10% discount for three or more

2:  Feature articles

Up to 1500 words, 10 pictures, direct links and inclusion in both our newsletter and via our social media channels.

Cost:  £700 

3:  Branded eblasts

Using our strong database of over 6000 key contacts, we can design and send your own personal message, fully branded and with links as required.  Layout can either follow our standard look or be tailor made to suit your specific needs.

Cost:  £850

To find out more call Caroline on 07956 547695 or email

Our numbers at a glance

Website traffic – 6k per month – more at the peaks!

Social media channels – Facebook and Instagram – 35k with high levels of engagement

Newsletters – 6200 contacts with average 32% open rate




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